WELCOME to our Annual Meeting!
We invite ALL Creative Arts Center members to cast your votes!
Voting is open from 5pm February 3rd until 5pm February 10th.
Please cast your vote to choose the Creative Arts Councils Executive Board positions of Chair, Vice Chair & Secretary.
These positions will be held for the next 2 years.
Voting starts at 5pm Saturday, February 3rd, and ends at 5pm Saturday, February 10th.
Use the form "Here's My Vote" to register your vote.
You must be a current CAC member for your vote to qualify. Check your status here.
Questions? Contact us!
Every person who is a CAC member and votes during the voting period will be entitled to one free class at the CAC, good until the end of this year.
Mandi Truman
Chair, Board of Directors
As chair, my primary goal would be to ensure the Council and Center continue to operate and provide a space in our community for art programs! Art is powerful. It can influence opinions, create messages, instill values, and even build communication between people. Art affects the fundamental sense of self, and every human deserves a space that provides that, and I’m thankful the CAC has a space for the arts. If voted as Chair, I will continue to dedicate time and energy to fulfill The CAC’s mission.
Vice Chair, Board of Directors
My name is Cheryl Bressi and I have accepted the nomination for the Executive position of Vice-Chair for the Creative Arts Council.
My history with the Creative Arts Center runs deep. As the founding director of the Creative Arts Dance Studios in 1987 and also one of the founding members of the Creative Arts Center, my interest and involvement has been consistent.
I currently am a health and fitness industry leader, a Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise and Youth Exercise Specialist with the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
My two daughters grew up being very involved in many of the programs at the Creative Arts Center including dance, art, music and tumbling. My daughter Kara Minnis is the current director of the Creative Arts Dance Studio.
My interest, my history and my love for the Creative Arts Center continues to feed my drive to be involved. I will put in the time and do what it takes to ensure that the people in our community continue to have the opportunity to learn, develop and express themselves through the variety of art programs such as those offered at the Creative Arts Center.
I am Twila Webb and have accepted the nomination for Secretary.
Born and raised in this beautiful place. It matters that we have activities available for the youth in our community. The Creative Arts Center has provided a variety of classes for many years that otherwise would not be an option. It would be a privilege to help keep the Center alive and well.